Complete Step-by-Step Guide to Obtaining PIS/Pasep - Clube da Bola
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Complete Step by Step to Obtain PIS/Pasep

Check out the main information to simplify the process of requesting these government incentives

Complete Step by Step to Obtain PIS/Pasep

Check out the main information to simplify the process of requesting these government incentives



PIS is the Social Integration Program, while Pasep is the Public Servant Asset Formation Program. Both are social contribution programs created by the Brazilian government. PIS is aimed at workers in the private sector, while Pasep is aimed at public servants. These programs aim to promote integration between sectors and provide financial benefits to participants.


The highlight of PIS/Pasep is the granting of the Salary Abono, an annual cash benefit aimed at workers with limited income. Additionally, the amounts deposited in PIS/Pasep accounts can be redeemed in specific circumstances, such as retirement, diagnosis of serious illnesses or property acquisition. This allowance is equivalent to up to one minimum wage and is paid annually, generally from the second half of the year, according to the calendar established by the program.


Who is entitled to PIS/Pasep?


To be entitled to PIS, the worker must meet certain very specific criteria such as, for example, being registered in the program for at least five years; have received an average monthly remuneration of up to two minimum wages and have worked with a formal contract for at least 30 days during the year prior to payment of the benefit.

As for Pasep, the requirements are a little different, including being a civil or military public servant; be registered in the program for at least five years and have an average monthly salary of up to two minimum wages and work with a formal contract for at least 30 days in the base year. The base year is the reference period for calculating the benefit. For example, if you want to request PIS/Pasep in 2023, the base year will be 2022.


Starting the Process



Requesting an allowance for the Social Integration Program and the Public Servant Asset Formation Program is a relatively simple process, but requires attention to detail and meeting deadlines. To request the PIS allowance, the worker must check the payment date on the banks' official website to find out when you can withdraw the benefit, as payment for the program is made according to a calendar published by Caixa Econômica Federal ( for PIS) and by Banco do Brasil (for Pasep).

The first step is to obtain the PIS number, which can be found on the Work Card, Citizen Card or FGTS statement. With the number in hand, the worker can check whether they are entitled to the allowance by accessing the Caixa Econômica Federal website or calling the call center. The Pasep registration number can be found on the paycheck, on the Income Tax declaration, or through Banco do Brasil.


Starting the process, before going to a Caixa Econômica Federal or Banco do Brasil branch, it is important to gather the necessary documentation. This includes an identification document with photo, such as ID or National Driving License (CNH); the CPF (Individual Person Registry); the work card; and proof of program registration. Check the official websites to see if other documents may be required, depending on the situation.


Remember to prepare if you need proof that you meet the requirements. With the documentation in hand, go to a branch of the bank responsible for the program. There, you will be met by an employee who will check your documents and information. 

Allowance Request

If you have accumulated amounts in your PIS/Pasep accounts, the bank branch attendant will be able to inform you of the available balance. This balance can be withdrawn in specific situations, such as retirement or purchasing your own home. Make sure you understand the withdrawal rules.

To receive the bonus, private sector workers can go to a Caixa Econômica Federal branch with their Citizen Card and password, or, in some cases, the credit is made directly to their bank account. Public servants, in turn, receive the bonus directly into their accounts at Banco do Brasil. After completing the application process, you will need to wait for the specific payment date. You will receive the allowance in your account or you can go to an agency to withdraw it.

Important Tips

We recommend that, in addition to registering and making the request, you always keep your registration updated, a fundamental item to ensure that you receive the benefit correctly. Pay close attention to payment deadlines and withdrawal dates. Missing a payment period could cause you to lose your benefit.

Checking the accumulated balance in PIS/Pasep accounts is important, as you may be entitled to a significant amount that can be withdrawn in specific situations. And always remember that the rules and regulations regarding PIS/Pasep may change over time. Therefore, always look for updated information on the official websites of Caixa Econômica Federal and Banco do Brasil.


In conclusion, the guide to obtaining PIS (Social Integration Program) and PASEP (Public Servant Asset Formation Program) highlights the importance of these benefits for Brazilian workers. Both PIS and PASEP offer economic advantages, such as the Salary Allowance and the possibility of withdrawals at specific times. However, to make the most of these programs, beneficiaries must be aware of their rights, follow the necessary procedures and pay attention to established dates and requirements.

Obtaining these benefits is a relevant step in the search for greater financial security and well-being, and information is key to ensuring that workers can make the most of these opportunities. Therefore, by following the guidelines and deadlines provided in the guide, beneficiaries can fully enjoy the benefits of PIS and PASEP, thus contributing to a better quality of life and financial stability.