Beckham: A Football Analysis of the Documentary - Clube da Bola
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Beckham: A Football Documentary Analysis

Netflix documentary series follows the journey from the player's first steps towards joining the team of his dreams to his legacy taking over his own football club

At the end of 2023, Netflix treated football fans to a deep dive into the life and career of one of the sport's greatest legends: David Beckham. The documentary, simply titled “Beckham”, offers an intimate look at the English star's journey, exploring not only his exploits on the pitch, but also his challenges, triumphs and connections with other football stars.



With important special appearances in the world of football, the production is not just a celebration, but a deep reflection on the essence of football and its impact on the lives of those who live it intensely.


By featuring influential voices such as Ronaldo, Roberto Carlos, Zidane, Luis Figo and Sir Alex Ferguson, the documentary transcends conventional narrative and offers viewers an enriching experience.



These figures are not just witnesses to Beckham's career; They are eloquent narrators of a collective story, intertwined by passion, rivalry and mutual respect. The interviews reveal not only the extraordinary player, but also the man behind the glory, enriching the public's understanding of the complexity of a life dedicated to football.

The Beginning of the Journey: The First Steps in Football

The first episode, entitled "The Shot" is a fundamental piece that charts David Beckham's early years in football, providing an engaging journey from his childhood to his initial steps towards a professional career.



The documentary reveals scenes of Beckham training with his father, sharing a special bond that he talks about with emotion. The improvised games in the backyard become the basis where his dreams begin to come to life, culminating in the iconic “goal that Pelé didn't score”, in 1996, against Wimbledon, which captured the attention of the football world for the talent of the young Englishman.

In this inaugural episode, viewers are taken on an intimate journey through the challenges and triumphs faced by Beckham since the beginning of his career.

Appearances from teammates such as Gary Neville, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer and Roy Keane, coaches such as Sir Alex Ferguson and family add layers of depth, offering a comprehensive view of the player's development.


The stories shared highlight not only Beckham's technical skill, but also the passion that drove him from a young age, outlining the foundations that would transform him into a sporting legend.

The Manchester United Era: Sir Alex Ferguson and the Rise of Beckham

The series focuses heavily on the legendary partnership between David Beckham and Sir Alex Ferguson at Manchester United. The second episode highlights not only the successes achieved during this glorious era, but also the personal challenges and relationships within the team.

Sir Alex Ferguson's participation adds a layer of depth, offering a unique perspective on the manager-player dynamic that was fundamental to Manchester United's success at that time.

By exploring behind the scenes, the documentary reveals moments of tension and overcoming, painting a human portrait of the search for excellence. The relationship with the coach and idol transcends the simple sporting sphere, becoming a narrative about mentorship, resilience and mutual trust.

Through interviews and archival footage, we are taken to moments of decision and strategy, in which Ferguson's words shaped not only the player Beckham, but also the man behind the fame.

The series not only celebrates the 12 titles won during that time, but also offers an insightful look at the human journey shared by the entire United team partnership during the 10 years (1993-2003) that he wore the red shirt, transforming a professional relationship in an eternal alliance in the heart of football.

Between Galacticos and Friends: The Real Madrid Era

One of the highlights of the documentary is the immersion in the time when Beckham was part of Real Madrid, a club that brought together stars of galactic proportions. The perspective of Zinédine Zidane and Luis Figo enriches the narrative, revealing the behind-the-scenes of their coexistence in the locker room and the moments that defined an era in world football.

The fusion of contrasting talents and personalities is presented almost like a synchronized dance that has resulted in memorable achievements that stand the test of time. As we enter the corridors of the Santiago Bernabéu through Zidane's words, we are transported to a universe where competitiveness intertwines with camaraderie.

The vivid accounts of the intense training, the meticulous game strategies and the celebrations after victories paint a more complete portrait of the journey Real Madrid experienced at that time. Luís Figo, another football giant, complements the narrative by sharing perspectives on the unique dynamics of this remarkable team.

His description of off-field interactions, jokes shared and mutual support during difficult times shows a human dimension to the glamor of the “Galacticos”. It is clear that, in addition to exceptional technical skills, cohesion and respect among the team were key elements in the success they achieved.

This phase at Real Madrid not only solidified Beckham's reputation as one of the best players in the world, but also highlighted how the combination of great talents can overcome the search for titles, leaving a legacy in the hearts of football fans.

SteelWorld Cup 1998 and David Beckham's Redemption

A crucial chapter in David Beckham's career, covered in the documentary, is the 1998 World Cup in France. His call-up to the England team was a milestone in his career, but the tournament was marred by a controversial episode.

After a conflict with Argentine national team player Diego Simeone, which resulted in Beckham being sent off in a crucial match against Argentina, the Englishman was the target of fierce criticism and public hatred in his own country.

The British press did not mince words, and many considered him responsible for England's elimination. The documentary explores this difficult period, revealing the depth of the emotional impact that the criticism had on Beckham.

Her journey to overcome this setback is a tale of determination. Years later, he made a triumphant return to the England team, winning the match against Argentina in 2002. The documentary series invites Diego Simeone to give his personal testimony and the player, amid memories and laughter, apologizes and recognizes that the situation was unnecessary.

The episode at the 1998 World Cup became a turning point in Beckham's story, who, after exchanging shirts at the end of the game, framed Simeone's shirt and kept it with care, strengthening his desire to play and emerge more stronger than ever.

Off the Field: The Man Beyond the Boots

Beckham's personal life off the field is extensively explored in the series. His transition to the world of fashion, his involvement in social causes and the construction of his own brand are highlighted.

The interviews reveal the passion and commitment behind building his brand, highlighting how he became a successful entrepreneur, gaining respect not only on the pitch, but also in the haute couture corridors and within social causes.

Conclusion: The Final Chapter

The final chapter of the “Beckham” series delves into the final stages of the football icon’s career. The documentary highlights his move to the North American scene, his time with the Los Angeles Galaxy and his return to Europe before ending his playing career. The culmination occurs when he takes over Club Internacional de Fútbol Miami, molding it in his image.

Upon taking over the club, Beckham not only chose the bold colors of pink, white and black, but even customized the goal net, transforming the stadium into an expression of his vision. The documentary highlights the recent acquisitions of world football stars such as Lionel Messi and Luis Suárez, solidifying the club's position as a prominent player on the international stage.

At the end of the documentary, in an emotional interview, Beckham reveals himself to be happy with the choices he has made in his life. He shares the joy he finds in raising his children and realizing his dreams, Club Internacional de Fútbol Miami being one of them.

In a comical scene, Beckham makes a video call with Neymar, sharing a laugh and comments on the Brazilian's desire for his team. The final scenes are of David and Victoria Beckham dancing in their home, ending the narrative in a simple but stylish way.